Friday, April 5, 2024

April 5, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:26 to 3:29 and there were four seals seen during that time.
Pua RF34 and pup were again in the middle cliff area under an overhang. Mom seemed upset about a fledging bird that was near her and the pup. She bellowed at the bird several times and then turned around. Pup seems active and Marilyn did see nursing session. Then the pup crawled around mom's head and went mostly behind her. Marilyn noted she hasn't seen the pup in the water, but it may have to do with the window of time she is viewing them.

Between 3BS and SRI were two seal near each other:
Juvenile Female: larger juvenile size, light yellow female belly and two red tags.
Adult Female: adult size, mottled yellowish-brown ventral, female belly and at least one red tag. The AF looks robust but not sure if she is pregnant.

Team R&B started their day watching dolphins out in the waters. They observed lots of tail slapping around so many of the snorkelers near by. 
They spotted two seal hauling up on shore at electric beach. They couldn't tell which critters they were so they drove over to the area and saw RL08 on shore by the parking area.
Further down in the Honolulu direction was RM31 Kai.
There was a couple taking photos of themselves and they decided to "visit" with RL08 who woke up. He leaped at the couple and was barking, the couple ran from the seal.  Team R&B explained to keep their distance from the seal.  They called the hotline.

They looked at all the spots for seal and weren't having much luck. Finally at nimitz they saw a seal
way off in the distance. They made the long walk over to find R407. He was alone today and sleeping peacefully.
In spite of the winds there were lots of people out on the south west beaches. It was so windy over at kermits reef that even a bird was having a hard time.

At another west side location they found their last critter of the day. The handsome male hiding high in the rocks was R617.  They did their best to get a decent shot.

Rabbit Island
seabird flying through the winds

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