Monday, April 22, 2024

April 22, 2024 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:45 to 3:35 and there were four seals seen during that time. 
Between Middle Cliff and 3BS were RF34 Pua and her pup. PO3 is three weeks old today and is putting on the pounds. Pup is active and moves around Mom a lot. But Marilyn did questioned how little time she has seen them in the water. 
Near SRI was an Unknown Juvenile: juvenile size, light ventral and two red tags. Marilyn could not be sure if it was male or female. At first she thought male, until looking at the photos. 
Out on RRB on the water front rocks of the channel was an Unknown Adult: adult to sub-adult size. Unsure about gender or tags. 

Team R&B started their day at Kahe and found two seals up on the rocks. RM31 Kai and RL20 Kalua were together peacefully resting.
They were about to head out when they noticed a seal swimming. So they waited to see RG28 Lefty hauling up. He worked his way past RL20 who moved out of the way with a whoop. Then Lefty made his way up to RM3, who also whooped at him.  Then all three boys settled down.

Their next stop was at Nimitz where they found RN14 Kalani. He changed from his usual spot on the reef. There was a group of people arrived and were cleaning fish and someone suggested feeding the seal. Barb was able to explain that wasn't a good idea.  

They went looking for Kala at the bay but did not find her. They did
find RG32 resting at Kala's zen garden. He galumphed over the rocks, sniffing the air, looking for her. He is a handsome male looking strong and powerful.

Their last find was at the cliffs. There was the beautiful Miss Leia RL42. She is looking plump and beautiful. Her tag and cc scar were visible for a positive ID.

Rabbit Island
RG28 - RL20 - RM31

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