Tuesday, April 30, 2019

April 30, 2109 Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Lesley.  Lesley's Ka'ena update is part two of the dailies.

Team Billand was at the outfall before 7 am this morning.  They saw a seal who they ID'd RH32 Ka'ale  foraging. They were told by the fishermen he had been there since 6 am and being a butthead stealing their catch.  While Team Billand was there they actually witnessed him in action, fast and furious and a little too smart for his own good. One poor guy lost four of his akule to him. ( Thank goodness for all the outreach Team Billand has done over the years with the fishermen).   The good news is Ka'ale doesn't just steal the fish, he was seen catching his own chasing the fish into the rocks.   They left the sight at 8:30 am and went back to the area at 9:30 and found Ka'ale alone sleeping looking very innocent.  HA !! Actually looks pretty fat and happy.  
While in the area Team Billand saw the DLNR boat cruising around. Wonder if it has to do with all the illegal nets in the news lately.

Next stop to westside beach they found RL42 Leia enjoying her siesta alone on the rocks. No butthead brother to bother her. She is looking healthy nice and plump. 

Then Team Billand headed off to one more beach before having to meet with the repairman.  That is when they found Lei Ola RH48 just after 12.  She was on her side, fishing line trailing out of her mouth. She galumphs to the shallow hole to cool off. Tide is rising so she moves again out of the shallow pond.  
The line is from the left corner of her mouth, hook is still a little visible from the shank part and above. No barb is seen.  Lei Ola did toss her head up in the air a couple of times as she galumphed over the rocks. Other than that she appears to be comfortable and resting peacefully on her side. 
Team Billand called and updated the NOAA Team and volunteer Melina came out to the site.

Guess who's back at the outfall? 
 After pigging out all morning - resting his big belly

 DLNR out cruising the shoreline
 Lei Ola RH48
 RL42 Leia

April 30, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

It was a beautiful dawn so I went down early with my mug of coffee to enjoy a beach stroll. Just as I was about to step down from our path I saw 2 seals right in front of me near the waterline.
I did my walk. Looked for R303 "BG" but there was only her trail into the water at high tide. So I went back home to get camera and phone. The overnighted duo were RG40 "Holokai" and RK36 "Kauai Kolohe".
On our way out we stopped to go check on a beautiful BIG turtle hauled out at CE Pt, that isn't usual. As I was walking down the beach it made it's way into the water - it was the size of "Lady" but I've never seen her elsewhere than 10Mnts Beach.
We came back in the late afternoon and I went down to watch the sunset, the boys were still hanging around in the exact same spots. I sat and watched them wake up slowly, it started with "Holokai" doing an enormous sneeze that woke "K.Kolohe" up. They tossed and turned, made it to the waterline and rolled into the water. They played a little then left. Not into the sunset but towards the North Shore side.   More tomorrow 🌺

Monday, April 29, 2019

April 29, 2019 Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team T&D (Tammy and Dave) and Team Billand. 

Team T&D did the Ka'ena Point hike today. Their first find was Luana RN58 looking huge.   At the point they found the albatross chicks are starting to get their adult feathers. 
Ka'ena RO40 was found in his pool.  And then there was PvKauai RW02 in the shallows of the main pool. 
Team T&D's next find was R366 on the outer reefs.  Then to their surprise they spotted a seal in the water doing its best hippo impression. He was telescoping and barking at R366. Turns out it was RIP RR70 and R366 got tired
of his and turned his back.  

And then Team Billand had an exciting day. Just before 10 am this morning they spotted a seal sleeping below the water hole at a westside beach. At first they were not sure who the critter was and seemed like they waited forever for the seal to move. 
FINALLY the seal moved and they ID'd RH36 Kawena, BUT she has a hook sticking out of the right corner of its mouth with a trailing line.  The hook appears to be swinging from side to side like it was loose. The hook is visible about 3 inch in size.
Kawena seems okay, at first until she began to galumph on the rocks, showing a long line trailing with a swivel, and possible wire leader. Team Billand called NOAA immediately, texted photos and in turn they started the preparation and consulting with the NOAA team
Just after 11 am Kawena galumphed and the line seem to snag on the rocks. She got spooked and tossed her head up in the air to force the line from the rocks. A wave came and she went into the water, slowly and was gone. Team Billand called and updated Tracy.  They never saw Kawena again.
YA DONE GOOD TEAM BILLAND!  I am so glad you are out there watching over these critters!

But they weren't done yet.  While out looking for Kawena RH36 they noticed a seal coming in with a fishing line dangling from it's mouth. To their shock this was not Kawena but Lei Ola RH48.  The line was coming from the left corner of her mouth.  The last time Team Billand saw her was on the 15th when she was with RW02.  The line seems to be about two feet or longer. They could see the hook shank but not the barb.  Looks like the it might be getting a little rusty, as there were rust marks on the corner of her mouth. She seems to be in good healthy, nice and round, alert and not combative in anyway.

On a much happier note to end today's events Happy Birthday 1st Puna RK88 !!!  
RN58 Luana
 RIP checking out R366
 HELLO - come out and play
 growing up
 RW02 PvKauai
Kawena RH36
Lei Ola RH48