Saturday, March 9, 2019

March 9, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

It was a beautiful sunny & windy day with a few little scattered showers and Saturday Trio hiked out together.
We found an overnighted RN58 "Luana" at Hidden Beach. Her trail was all the way up under her favorite Milo trees. When we came back out she was still in the same spot with people being very respectful watching her from  a good distance.

The waves were very big and every other set was covering the Main Beach pools.
RL42 "Leia" was hauled out on the new coral beach stretch and R330 "Squinty" was in the Main Pool. At one point "Leia" did a big sneeze, "Squinty" heard it put his head up and started to galumph towards her. Visitors and hikers had quite a show and we had a good time doing outreach.
A big set rolled in and covered the seals, so they started their way up the beach. We asked people to move to the side if they came higher and before we left we saw them moving.
Sometimes it's hard to turn and walk away when the beach is full but today it wasn't because we knew that the groups we had talked to were passing on info.
I later went back to the parking lot and heard from hikers all about the seals. That's so rewarding.   More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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