Sunday, March 24, 2019

March 24, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

This is a 2in1 report

Yesterday at dawn when I took Marty for a walk in the garden I saw 2 bumps @ CE Pt. Went down to check and found R303 "BG" in company of RR70 "RIP". They looked so cute with the moon still up high and dawn colors in the sky. "RIP" has been around for the last 4/5 days. 
When I came back to the house and looked back they were entering the water.
In the afternoon I went down again to CE Pt and found RR70 "RIP" hauled out on CE side near the waterline.

This morning I went down to check on RR70 "RIP" he was hauled out between CE Pt and us.    More tomorrow ğŸŒº


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