Team Billand made their usual check at a popular west side beach. When they arrived they found RIP RR70 playing with Kawena RH32 in the water. This went on for quite some time and then finally came in to haul out. Kawena hauled up first then RIP came up next to her. They were hanging out side by side all day. Pretty sweet.
While at the site Team Billand watched as multiple seals were off shore, frolicking and fighting for hours. It made it a challenge to ID, but that didn't stop Team Billand, they started with Kekoa Alii RK72 with Lei Ola RH48. They were at it for many hours, ending in the cove and hauled out.
Lei Ola came in first followed closely by Kekoa. He was for sure after her being a male with a mission. Barb felt so bad for her she wanted to fly her slippa at him to knock it off. Hahahhaa typical "Momma Bear" response.
Next RN14 Kalani was seen arriving from the Waianae side, he came in fast into lower rocks, looked then left. He then went around to land with Kekoa to his right.
Team Billand decided to do the Ka'ena west trek. They only found RL42 Leia at the 30. She was in a spot where they had not seen her before. Maybe she's hiding out from the boys. She is looking quite large and healthy.
All the males took off and only Lei Ola and Kawena remained. Too bad these guys came along to ruin the group of critters hanging out.
Kawena RH32
Kawena and RIP
Kekoa and Lei Ola
Lei Ola
RN14 and Kekoa
Kalani RN14
RL42 Leia
Ka'ale & Lei Ola
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