They started the morning checking out the outfall. Much to their surprise they met a very mellow "Boobie" bird. He seemed to be okay, no discharge from nostrils, feathers okay, eyes clear and not afraid of Barbara. ( then again why would any critter be afraid of her).
At 7:30 Team Billand spotted Kalani RN14 coming in to one of the westside locations. He looked at the rocks, hauled up and stayed. His applied bleach was visible.
Next stop at 9:30 at a different westside beach they found RW02 PvKauai already on shore. They notified the hotline. When they returned to this site at the end of the day he was gone.
At their 3rd westside stop at 10:00 they found Kekoa RK72 on lower rocks snoozing alone. He barely moved (must be tired fighting off the high surf). He was gone on their 4:10 check.
Afternoon check at the usual hot spot they found a fat seal draped over the rocks to the right. They spotted a scar in the corner of her mouth and a glimpse of the tag. Lo and behold it was Lei Ola RH48. She is looking big and healthy.
Between 12:30 and 3:30 Team Billand headed over to plains. There was a seal on shore and signs were up. They could see it was a female, and turns out to be the same female they spotted the other day on the westside. What makes this so special, well as of right now she is not only new to Oahu but seems the PIFSC office couldn't find her in their database. Where did she come from? Who knows? Team Billand called the hotline and took lots of photos to document her markings for the NOAA/PIFSC to further investigate. This is what we know about this Unknown Female: she has a ding on right shoulder, cookie scar mid belly, large cookie scar by ankle, natural bleach on left side, no tags, scars by left fore flipper, scar on side jaw, and line scar on left face.
( I just have to say, this would be one of those moments where DB would be beyond thrilled!)
UU foraging in the outfall
Boobie stretching its wings
LOOK at this beautiful creature!
RN14 Kalani
RW02 PvKauai
Lei Ola RH48
Unidentified Female - Who are you?
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