Todays dailies are brought to you by Team Billand, Lesley and Marilyn. Lesley's complete Ka'ena Update of todays trio trek is part two of the dailies.
Team Billand was driving along the coast line today and spotted three seals at a Leeward Beach at 9:10 am. All three seals could easily be seen from the road. When they pulled over to check they didn't see any signs, but did see volunteer was on site. The three seals were ID'd as Ka'ale RH32, Kekoa Alii RK72 in the middle and RIP RR70 closest to the shore line.
Later in the afternoon when Team Billand was on their way to town around 3 pm they spotted all three seals were still on shore and signs were visible.
At 10am Team Billand checked out their usual west side site and spotted two seals moving around. They could see Lei Ola RH48 and Kalani RN14 trying to get away from the huge surf pounding the entire area. ( looks like snow .... lol... not really )
RN14 had a crazy sneezing fit so much so that he left by 10:45, leaving Lei Ola alone (and in peace).
One hour later another seal was coming in, fighting its way to lower rocks. It was Kawena RH36 being shoved around by the waves and finally landed on the rocks.
Team Billand didn't stay too long as they had to hit the road, only Lei Ola and Kawena remained, N14 wasn't seen again.
On their afternoon check no seals were seen on the rocks, the surf had consumed the entire area. They did spot a seal in the huge surf but unable to ID, and they had to take Miss Olivia home.
Team Billand noted that the beaches were crowded today that it made the search a little more difficult, actually no fun with big crowds. As Barb said tomorrow is another day.
When Marilyn got back to the east side she spotted a seal at Sandys. She was able to check it out between 5:15 and 6:30 pm. The seal had recently moved up from lower on the beach and was wet and sandy. ( a little like shake and bake ) This made getting an ID a bit of a challenge but after an hour Marilyn decided the seal was R016 Right Spot based on the 2 to 3 inch line scar on the left side of the face and several smaller scars on the left neck area. The seal finally rolled and exposed her female belly and a large scar on the left upper chest area, no tags. Her NB was not visible on the right side because she was covered in sand and resting mostly on her right side.
Ka'ale RH32
Kekoa Alii RK72
Kaale - Kekoa and Rip 3 Amigos
Lei Ola and Kalani
Right Spot
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