Wednesday, July 4, 2018

7/4/2018 Monk Seal Dailies: (part 2 ) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

It was a long 9 hours day.
Tammy & I met at the Play Pen where RK88 "Puna" D67 and RK40 "Napua" were swimming and hauled out. I checked on them several times today and they both were alternating haul outs and swims.
We headed out to the point, our first stop was at 10Mn Beach were RN58 "Luana" was hauled out. She spent all day there, leaving in the late afternoon.
At the point RO40 "Ka'ena" was hauled out in BG's Pool and further out on the flats a fresh RN30 was hauling out.
We did LOTS of out reach on our way in and out. We also found some interesting sea debris.
Seems that many families wanted to do a 4th of July hike before going to parties.
We came out and saw lots of loaded trucks going in so I did another drive out in the afternoon. Spoke to many day campers.
At the point 2 seals were in the Main Pool. While I was IDing RW02 "PVKauai" and RE74 "Benny" a third seal came in to the pool like a torpedo it was RO40 "Ka'ena". Shortly after a big bark came from the outer reefs and RK36 "Kauai Kolohe" did a big entrance barking away.
There were moments of calm and others of only white wash all seals got into the pool and hell was loose. They all decide to leave the pool at the same time. I barely caught my breath and a seal came back in followed by a second one. I was only able to ID RW02 "PVKauai" in the middle of lots of splashing. I made it back at sunset. Most of the visitors hikers and campers had left.

I was pleased to have no reports to do today. All were dealt with on site with outreach ðŸŒº

4 seals, the meeting of the minds

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