Team Billand out at Makaha again at the crack of dawn. They found Benny RE74 at 5:50 am about 75% molted. At 7:26 am Benny left the site going straight out to the surfers line up. Barbara described one surfer was "shocked" to see a seal by him, Benny snorted and took off. Unfortunately she didn't get the picture, but I know our imaginations can get create quite a good image. They never saw Benny for the rest of the day. The Hotline was notified twice.
Their Maili check they found RIP RR70 on lower rocks alone and looking much healthier, as he has gained back some weight. On their next check of the area he was gone, the entire area was white with huge surf.
Day three Team Billand found a UU foraging off shore. No ID available, too much glare, waves were huge. If we were to go on hunches, Barbara thinks today's UU might be Aukai RL12. If it is Aukai she's eating up lots and lots because we think she going to be a first time momma this year.
Gayle found Right Spot R016 at the keiki pool where she stayed all day. Right Spot was still there when Gayle left this evening. There were 3 critters on Rabbit Island. (I checked and only saw three... if anyone finds another I'll you a nickel).
UU foraging at Campbells
3 Rabbit Island Critters
Right Spot
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