Justin & Christine hiked to Ka'ena Point on the Waianae side on Sunday. They saw three seals in good condition at the point. They saw RW02 PVKauai with flipper tag W14 and a large seal with a rather green coat, a cookie cutter shark bite scar on his back, no flipper tags. A third seal at the point mostly submerged in the main pool, could not determine if there were tags or any markings.
On the trail to Ka'ena Point from the Waianae side they spotted RN58 Luana with flipper tag N59 hauled out on the rocks in the vicinity of a "newish" wreck of a pick-up truck.
Trish sent another photo of our U/U from her sighting. She did confirm the seal had tags but could not get a shot of them. She said there was another woman out there who was very close too the seal taking photos, and Trish nicely asked her to move away. The woman told her the seal was from Kauai. (hmm someone who knows the seal, should know to keep their distance).
Gayle reported only one critter on Rabbit Island and conditions were blustery, wet and cold.
Team Billand was out and at it before sunrise. At 5:30 am they found Benny RE74 way up at his Naupaka Bush. Benny was alone at this time of the morning. The hotline was called and informed.
Benny is about 55% molted and at 11 am he was very alert and moved down to waters edge.
Team Billand's next find at Yok was the miss R353 alone on shore. No one was around, she is looking good and appears to be gaining some weight. The hotline was informed.
At Maili their only find was RN14. He was alone, totally dry snoozing on lower rocks. The area has a lot of homeless and a couple more shanty structures. RN14 was okay, in spite of the conditions.
UU full body (from Sunday)
One Rabbit Island Critter
Benny in a Mutant Ninja Turtle look
Here come RL42
Benny barking at RL42
It's usually the females barking at Benny to back off
RL42 trying to make nice
Benny looking really grouchy
RL42 settling in on her own
I think that U/U is RK36. I can see its a male, and I can see the scar on right side.
Benny is Molting...grouchy, moody. He just wanted to GO yesterday when poor L42 came in. She was so cute, flirting with him, as if SHE KNOWS HE CANT DO ANYTHING RIGHT NOW.
Benny charged her a couple of times, that punk, but she stood her grounds and SNORTED OUT LOUD RIGHT IN HIS FACE. So funny.
Benny took off, she turned and ran after him and off they both went...she returned first, followed by benny later on.
I love this couple, I want them to stay together forever!!!! We dont have many females left on westside...sadly.
When Benny is done molting, he will be after Miss RL42 again. Watch.
The weather is nuts, 40 mile hour winds, rain, more wind not as strong...drizzle.
Ok, next morning, here we go...hope its a productive day in finding our critters. And I hope people will keep their distance of the seals, so they can rest, its all they ever want to do.
Ummmm not sure how Pohaku will take this new girl in town!
Benny is the best! Can’t wait to see these two have babes!
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