Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Gayle.
Today's top story is about da Benny RE74 getting hooked. Team Billand received a call while they were out on their usual rounds about a seal at white plains with a hook. At 11:30 am they dropped everything and headed out. Upon arrival they found Benny had been roped off by the lifeguards and NOAA was informed had been called. Barbara took photos and texted Tracy informed her they could not see the hook just fishing line with the swivel dangling and around his neck area.
Team NOAA came out and volunteers Brittany and Kara also arrived. Team NOAA restrained Benny and determined the hook was behind his tongue and could not be removed on site. So they packed up and took da Benny for an all expense paid trip to NOAA Inouye Regional Center at Ford Island, where he will receive the best of care from Dr. Michelle and a private pool with room service. Good luck Benny.
Meanwhile earlier in the morning Team Billand found RR70 RIP at Maili. He had just arrived ID'd him by tags and his ding on his back. And to think he was just at Makua Cliffs yesterday. He spent the day on the lower rocks snoozing.
Next critter to arrive was RN14 making his entrance known by snorting loudly. He turned and went back out after seeing RIP on the lower rocks. Team Billand did see him foraging off shore and he eventually did land, but this is when they got the "urgent" call and left.
Ka'ale RH32 was also at Maili spotted him high on the rocks snoozing. He was later joined by RN14.
Team Billand initial find at Maili was of course Miss Lei Ola RH48. She was still in the same spot tucked away in the mid rocks and still with hook. Barbara noted after viewing the pictures she saw some molting began on her face. (finally).
Posse pal Gayle's first find was Buster at Sandy beach. Apparently HFD had a training session today with trucks and helicopters, not sure if Buster got much rest. When Gayle checked at 18:25 he was gone.
Gayle spotted five critters on Rabbit Island today. She noted and informed Tracy that one of the seals looked pretty thin. (could be one that molted recently)
Gayle found Right Spot at Kaupo Beach on her second look, she was in the keiki pond. She was still there at 18:15.
Benny RE74 hooked
Lei Ola
Rabbit Island Critter in the sand
#3 #4 and #5
Right Spot hiding from Buster and staying away from the surf
GREAT BIG MAHALO to the Plains LIFEGUARDS for roping off benny and seeing the line from his mouth.
When we got there at 11:30am Benny on shore, in zone, in snooze mode with Lifeguard right there on his quad, guarding Da Benny.
We took pics, sent them to Tracy, explaining what we saw and that NO HOOK WAS VISIBLE.
Team arrived, did their ASSESSMENT, Discussed what they will be doing with each other.
Team Noaa charged in with Crowding boards, lured benny up shore. Benny was pretty much calm, didnt really fight much.
As the team was boardering Benny, he opened his mouth wide and Noaa could see the line ...Benny swallowed hook, which after xray, was seen back of his tongue. Team tried to remove hook but coulndt do it.
Aliza brought the proper tool later on, benny given another shot, team caught him, tried their best to get the hook, but, they just couldnt.
Benny was given a counter shot to wake him up, placed in the crate again.
Lifeguards came to help load Da Benny in the truck, we thanked TEAM NOAA, wished Benny good luck, The rescue mission was over by 3:30pm.
THanks NOAA for trying so hard. You folks are remarkable at what you do.
Prayers to Benny, cant believe that he got hooked AGAIN!!! But at least this time, he wont need major surgery.
No wonder we couldnt find the benny in the am...glad it turned out for the better.
Love you BENNY RE74. Looking forward to your release soon. BAH SNORT whoop!!
That's is so awesome how fast Benny was found and taken care of, he for sure knows the drill and I think he just wanted to visit Dr. Michelle and the team, it's been awhile, and get some TLC and free fish LOL. But seriously Benny is in great hands and sending prayers to him and a fast recovery. Gotta Love Benny.
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