Marilyn spent several hours viewing Rabbit Island from Makai Range pier. With the high wind and heat waves caused by the cool air, viewing conditions were far from ideal. Marilyn's initial find at 10:30 saw 2 seals just right of the 1BS (1st blue sign) and 1 seal just left of the 2BS. At 11:54, she spotted a fourth seal up in the grass above Seal Rock Inlet.

Marilyn is labeling the adult seal with the newer coat as UNK#1. She was unable to see tags nor could she confirm it's gender.
The seal near the 2BS is labeled UNK#2. Marilyn judged the seal to be a subadult with a darker coat. No tags could be seen and could not guess at it's gender.
The seal she first spotted at 11:54 is labeled UNK#3. This appeard to be a juvenile with a brownish coat and a light-colored belly. She could not see tags nor determine gender.
Next Maili find Ka'ale RH32 to the right of Lei Ola snoozing on the inland rocks. He's looking healthy and handsome ID'd by his tags. At 2:30 they watched Ka'ale leave go into the small tide pool roll about, wake himself up and then left.
Team Billand spotted RIP RR70 at Maili foraging off shore doing 5 minute dives. They waited for a few hours hoping he would haul out, but he was too busy pigging out. He was ID by his cookie scar on back. (good he was eating). Afternoon check he was gone and the waves were much larger.
Last but not least they found Aukai RL12 at Electric beach. When they arrived a volunteer was already on site and her tags were showing. To the best of their knowledge this is her first "known" visit to electric beach. Her mom R020 M&M was known to frequent the area. Now Team Billand noted their shock by her size, she is huge, like good chance she is pregnant with her first pup huge. Who knows when or where?
Unknown#1 and Kolohe RW22
Unknown #2
Unknown # 3
Lei Ola
Ka'ale RH32
Aukai RL12 looking big and beautiful
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