Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Gayle.
At 5:50 am Team Billand found Benny RE74 at Makaha near the naupaka. At 6:13 am a second seal came on shore lifting its head up and down lifting its head. A large female ID'd as RL42, she snorted out so loudly that Benny looked up and then put his head back down. She galumphed all the way to him, he barked at her, she stopped, moved a little closer and then they both settled in. Hotline was called and informed. Team Billand had to leave at 7:15 am. They returned at 3 pm to check on the seals and found them both at the waters edge resting peacefully. Volunteers were there on site.
Team Billand stopped by White Plains at 7:49 am. There they found RO28 Pohaku snoozing close to waters edge and looking comfortable. They put out more signs and ropes, called the hotline. They left at 8 am and didn't get back to the site. Unknown if any volunteers made it out to the beach.
When Team Billand checked Maili their only find was RN14 on the rocks totally dry. When they did their recheck he was still there resting on his side.
I was hoping for some Lei Ola news as I know Barbara worries about her.... maybe tomorrow. Gosh I wish she would haul out at a sandy beach!
Gayle reported three critters on Rabbit Island today, they were her only find.
Benny & RL42
RL42 looking as if to question is this REALLY da Benny?
Pohaku RO28
Rabbit Island Critters
Hi all,
I counted 5 seals in Gayle's last image. Am I seeing things? Thanks Gayle for keeping an eye on Rabbit Island.
Marilyn Dunlap
I think you're right. I'll ask Gayle how much time between photos because the first one definitely there are only 3 critters and the second photo I see the five.
Good eye Mrs. Whisperer.
Its cool Gayle captured 5 seals together...if you look closer, two are side by side.
Amazing...if only there was a way to ID all of them...sad we cant, but R.I. continues to be home for many seals throughout the years.
I wish one of the seals could be: RK72 whom we havent seen in weeks while he was still molting.
Bleach numbers ... Bleach the seals...then there is a bit more help for Gayle and for Marylin.
No Lei Ola any where...I pray she be ok..I miss her alot..she showed me things that say, she is a survivor with that big ass hook embedded in her corner of the mouth. She fought off the big boys all by herself. Please be today we can find her...prayers to LEI OLA.
Benny left yesterday, but I heard he returned to his molt spot again. He too is one of our favorite males, known him for over ten years..a strong male, smart. BUT NOT TO SMART TO SWALLOW HOOKS. He is another survivor, A MIGHTY HAWAIIAN MONK SEAL.
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