When Team Billand first arrived they didn't see any critters, but as they got down to the site there was a seal vocalizing very loudly. They saw Kekoa Alii RK72 galumphing quickly up and over rocks going to the right. They stayed for an hour watching if there were any other critters around. The only thing they spotted were dolphin boats dropping off their passengers. Kekoa settled in for the days long nap. He's looking huge, and chest ruffly soon to molt.
Mrs. Whisperer was at Makai Pier at 11:40 and stayed until 13:30. During that time she spotted an unknown juvenile/weaner male seal about 150 ft east of the 1BS (1st blue sign). He had two red tags and showed his belly and dorsal views, but unable to get a positive ID.

There were two groups of young men who kayaked and landed at two different places on Rabbit Island. There was also a blue plastic either water or fuel drum and a plastic beach ball (not shown in the photos) that moved up and down the coast. The seal was aware of the kayakers and he changed his position to watch them, but did not seem distressed and was not scared into the water. They kept a reasonable distance from him. DOCARE was not called. Earlier in the morning Marilyn checked, Sandys, Haunama Bay, Lanai Lookout, China Wall, Kokee Flats and Spitting Cave and did not see any seals.
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