Thursday, December 7, 2023

December 7, 2023 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:10 to 1:55 and there were initially four seals and three more hauled out later.
About 60 feet of the 2BS was an Adult Male: adult size, newer coat, light male belly and not sure about tags.
About 25 feet of the 3BS was an Adult Female: adult size, newer coat, light female belly and unsure about tags.
About 40 feet Makapuu of the 3BS was fully molted RG32: adult size, new coat, gray male belly, no tags.
Out on RRB was a Weaner Female: weaner size, older coat with yellow female belly and two red tags. She seems long and lean.
Marilyn had been watching two or three seals playing in the shallows off the island during her entire viewing session. At 12:50, three seals hauled out directly below the 3BS and between the AF and RG32. These three seals were:
Unknown Adult: adult size, newer coat with a gray ventral and two red tags. (unsure about gender)
Sub-Adult Male: subadult size, light tan male belly and two red tags.
R606: subadult size, newer coat, very light male belly, no tags and a NB on the tip of his RFF. When he first hauled out, he appeared to have something white at the base of his rear flippers. Marilyn did not see what it was in the later photos.

Team R&B arrived at the bay and they had noticed one seal being zoned off by the rest camp guards. Although they were looking from afar they were able to ID R3CX Nalu.
They also saw two other seals in the water foraging. They were in
front of where Nalu was resting, but he was undisturbed by them.
Team R&B were able to ID RH48 Lei Ola by her new applied bleach N48. They couldn't get anything on the other seal other than adult size and clean coat, it was reported as an Unknown Adult.
They went back to the bay later in the day and found R3CX Nalu was on the rocks alone.

Rabbit Island
unknown adult

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