Thursday, December 14, 2023

December 14, 2023 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn did not make it to the pier today because of the wind and rain. She was heading out and made a stop to check for seals and did see a seal on shore from afar. So she headed over to check it out and found Gamma Gayle monitoring an SRA for R016 Right Spot. She is looking healthy and good weight. She was ID'd by her nb on her right side, the scar on her upper chest and female belly.

Team R&B started at the bay and spotted RH76 Kala. She was alone
snoozing way up by the grassy spot. She didn't move and who could blame her on this chilly windy day.
Team R&B did meet up with a sweet 2 year old with her mom. They have seen them before and educating them about the seals. Today the little girl received a stuffed monk seal from Team R&B, I am sure they have a friend for life.

Next stop they spotted a seal on the rocks peaking over. They checked it out and it was  RG28 Lefty. They were happy to see him again.

They headed over to tracks and saw a seal and two men walking towards it. The guys got really close taking their photos for social media. The seal lifted her head. They hurried over  to check it out.
The guys left R604 and headed towards another seal, which Team R&B didn't realize was there.
The guys walked closer and then they turned to R3CX Nalu, taking close ups. Nalu suddenly turned and leapt up gesturing to bite them. The guys thought this was funny, but did quickly moved to the left. 
The hotline was called. 
Team R&B did check back later in the day and both seals were still
there. They did move from their original location.  Unfortunately the beach was still crowded and no one there to educate them.

At another west side location they found two sweet male seals. Although it was chilly and windy the two were resting on the warm rocks. The smaller male R416 was seen on Wednesday at yoks. Next to him was RM31 Kai.

R016 Right Spot
RM31 & R416

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