Tuesday, December 12, 2023

December 12, 2023 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:30 to 1:30, due to the off and on rain showers she only stayed for an hour. During that time there were seven seals.
Near the surge channel on LPB was an Unknown Adult: adult size, dark coat, unknown sex or tags. This could be RG32 but it was too difficult to see.
Between 1BS and 2BS was an Unknown Juvenile: small juvenile size, newer coat and two red tags. Ventral side was not seen so could not determine its gender.
About 50 feet of the 3BS was an Adult Male 1: darker coat, may be molting, male belly and at least one red tag. He was so covered with sand it was difficult to determine if he was molting.
Another 100 feet in the Makapuu direction was a Juvenile Male: large juvenile size, newer coat, light tannish gray male belly, not sure about tags.
Near SRI were two seals:
Adult Male 2: adult size, about 60% molted, medium gray male belly. Marilyn did not think he had tags. Most of the ventral is molted and the old fur is gone on much of the lateral side.
Near A/M 2 was Unknown Adult 2: adult size, dark coat, unknown sex or tags because seal was partly hidden by waterfront rocks.
At 12:58 after Marilyn started viewing again after a rain break was taken, she found an Unknown Weaner out on RRB. This is most likely the female weaner that she sees regularly.

Team R&B's first find was RH76 Kala. She was on the rocks moving and looking around. They thought maybe there was another seal, but she was alone. She is looking beautiful and full figured!
They saw her earlier foraging near the other side of the beach.

Team R&B got word a seal had hauled out at a location and there were people too close to the seal. The person had asked them to move back but the couple ignored them.  When Team R&B arrived they found RH32 Kaale resting and the couple was still just standing there in front of the seal. Almost like they were admiring a puppy. Team R&B asked them to move back and they once again just looked and ignored the request.  Finally they moved on their own time. It was called into the hotline.

Lastly they made one more stop and found a seal hidden in the rocks. It took a while for the seal to move and they were able to ID RM31 Kai. He was alone snoozing and thankfully showed his tag. He moved way up and blocked himself behind a big boulder, smart little bugga.
Team R&B spotted some whales off in the distance.

Rabbit Island


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