Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 17, 2023 Sunday's Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, seal friend Jon and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:09 to 2:19 and there were four seals during that time.
Alone near 1BS was an Unknown Adult: adult to sub-adult size, newer coat, not sure about sex or tags.
There were three seals in the dunes and on the beach by the 3BS:
Up in the dunes was an Adult Male 1: adult size, mostly new coat, about 95% molted, gray male belly and not tags. He later moved down onto the beach and remnants of his old fur  could be seen on his mid back and a few other spots.
Initially near each other on the beach were Adult Male 2 and Adult Female. 
A/M2: adult size, newer coat, gray male belly and Marilyn doesn't think he had tags.
A/F : adult to sub-adult size, older coat, grayish yellow female belly and she did not see tags.

Seal friend and blog supporter Jon H headed up to Ka'ena Point today. He sent a photo of one very cure seal. Other than a newer coat not much to go on. 

Team R&B first find today was female RL70 Leina. They hadn't seen her in a while. They were able to ID her by her natural bleached fore flipper. And she was very nice to show both her tags, even though she was hidden in the rocks high up.
Their next female was the lovely RH76 Kala, looking pretty big. She went to her "zen" garden and settled in.
The third female was RH48 Lei Ola. She was foraging, when a man called out to Team R&B and pointed to the rocks. There was Lei Ola hauling in on the rocks.  While photographing her they saw another seal hauling in. It was Nalu R3CX who came up to her belly and Lei Ola did not like it.
R3CX was determined, rolled over to show his big body to her, being all sassy and cute. Lei Ola fell for his act and joined him in the water. The two of them left and swam out to sea.
The last seal seen in the area was foraging. There was RL20, clean mid-sized with rags. He was stealing fish form the fishermen. He was busy pigging out and never landed while they were there.

At another west side location they watched the dolphins. One in particular caught their eye, he was very big and had a funny/unusual fin.
Also out on the water they saw a large submarine.
And yes they had one last seal. There was RM31 Kai on the warm rocks alone taking a nap.

Rabbit Island
Unknown w/ clean coat
R3CX approaches RH48

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