Monday, December 25, 2023

December 25, 2023 Monday Christmas Dailies

Hope everyone had a wonderful day today, whether you celebrate Christmas or just enjoyed your day.
Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Their first find was RM31 Kai. He was alone and snoozing where Kala usually hangs out in her "zen garden".  There were lots of folks visiting from the mainland checking him out. Team R&B did monk seal 101, to educate them of what to do and not to do.
Off to the right away from Kai was the lovely RH48 Lei Ola.  She was resting comfortably and her applied N48 bleach was very visible!
Across on the beach of rest-camp was R3CX Nalu. They had him roped off, since there were lots of folks visiting the area.

Team R&B kept checking around the beaches and looking over the water and wasn't having much luck.
So they decided to walk around the shore line and it was good they did. They found RH32 Kaale alone and resting. They noted he has more scratches on his body, most likely from battling with another seal.

Last stop they find one last seal. They had to wait for it to move before they can make an ID. Initially all they can see his her mid-body and part of her face.  Thankfully she finally moved and they were able to ID RL42 Leia by her cc scar on the side of her belly.


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