Wednesday, September 6, 2023

September 6, 2023 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:54 to 2:44 and there were four seals on island today.
On LPB was an Adult Female 1: adult size, new coat, light gray female belly and unsure about tags.
Just down from 3BS was a Subadult Female: subadult size, new coat, two red tags and light to medium gray female belly. It appears she has a line scar on the right side of her mid chest.
At SRI was an Adult Male and Adult Female 2.
AM: large adult size, old coat, dark brown male belly and two red tags.
AF2: adult size, old coat with about 35% of molt on her mid to upper chest, female belly and unsure about tags.

Team R&B started their morning at the bay where they once again found RH76 Kala. But the surprise today was she had company it wad RG32.
Both were resting on the rocks and the waves were pounding. RG32 decided to leave and Kala stayed behind. RG32 went around the rocks to the other end, looked around, but there was a woman there picking up shells so he left the area.
Shortly after Kala left the area as well. Then RG32 ended up coming back and remained there alone. Guess they were not in sync with each other.

Ar anothere west side location they found their little buddy RQ42/Q43. He was hidden in the rocks this afternoon.  At first he didn't show them much of anything, but patience paid off, he finally moved. They were able to get an ID and also noted there is some sort of line or junk on his left fore flipper.

Rabbit Island
RH76 & RG32

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