Tuesday, September 26, 2023

September 26, 2023 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:25 to 2:00 and there were two seals seen during her viewing.
On LPB was an Adult Female: adult size, newer coat, medium gray female belly, line scar on right middle chest and two red tags. She believes this is the same seal that was in this location yesterday.
Out on RRB was a Subadult Female: small subadult to large juvenile size, older coat, light female belly and two red tags.

Team R&B started at the bay and upon arrival there were no seals. But once again persistence paid off, as they spotted a seal coming into the area. Hauling up on the rocks was the lovely RH76 Kala. Its always fun to watch a seal haul in up onto the rocks, frankly it amazes me they are able to do it.
Team R&B are hoping someday in the future Miss Kala will have a big fat healthy pup.

As they were driving along they spotted two seals on the rocks by tracks. They pulled over and hurried
to the site and were surprise to see RH48 Lei Ola and RH32 Kaale. Unfortunately Kaale didn't stay lone and left the site heading in the Honolulu direction.

Lastly they stopped at Kahe where the campers were being moved out of the area and much of the trash being cleaned up.  They could see a seal from afar.  As soon as they got closer the seal entered the water and swam in a westerly direction. Thankfully one of their friends got a look at the tags, they were able to ID R3CX Nalu.

Rabbit Island

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