Friday, September 22, 2023

September 22, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕   Also please check out the next post that acknowledges a couple of hard working monk seal volunteers.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:45 to 2:35 and there were two seals seen during her viewing session.
About 20 feet from the 3BS was an Adult Female: adult size, newer coat, light gray-tan female belly and two red tags. Marilyn believe this is the same female that she has seen over the past several days.
Out on RRB was a Subadult Female: subadult size, light to medium gray female belly and two red tags. She didn't move much so it was difficult to get a good view of her.

Team R&B started their day heading over to the bay. There they found RH76 Kala who was being visited by a photographer. He always takes photos of the seals up close, not a bad person just doesn't respect the guidelines and gets too close.
They left for a minute and sure enough a bunch of people went by Kala. Too close, Kala wasn't happy and started rolling about, finally the family left.  This is the result when one person thinks its okay to get close, all it does is open the door for everyone else.

At a different location they spotted a seal from afar. They waited for movement to get some more information. They didn't go closer today due to one of the female characters who has lots of dogs and didn't want to draw attention to the seal.  They finally ID'd RL20 Kalua who was on the rocks resting.
As an added bonus they got to see a few of the dolphins at play.

Rabbit Island

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