Friday, September 1, 2023

September 01, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:55 to 3:00 and there were six seals on island.
Initially near each other in the middle of LPB were the following:
Adult Female 1: adult size, new coat, two red tags and light gray female belly, mostly covered with sand.
Adult Male: adult size, old coat, dark brown male belly, unsure about tags. Soon after Marilyn started viewing the AM galumphed toward the 1BS and approached a smaller seal that is reported as Unknown Juvenile: juvenile size to small adult, light yellow belly most likely female, unsure about tags. The UJ moved away from the AM and moved a short way up the slope toward the 1BS.
In a group between 3BS and SRI were three seals:
Adult Female 2: smaller adult size, old coat, light yellowish tan female belly unsure about tags. She went up into  thee morning glory and appeared to be playing with it.
Adult Female 3: larger adult size, old coat, mottled light brown female belly with lots of dark sand and at least one tag.
Subadult Female: subadult size, new coat, light to medium gray female belly and two red tags.

Team R&B woke up late, which probably means the sun was just coming up. 😀  They hurried to get things together for the day and headed over to the bay. There all by herself was RH76 Kala. She was just resting peacefully.  They were also treated to the dolphins at play.

Today was the day to hike out to Ka'ena West, it has been quite a while since they checked out the area.
The brush fires from last week had blackened the area at the start of the trail.
Their first find was RP30 Puka who is molting. He was good enough to show his tags.
Second find was RW02 PvKauai and he was also cooperative and flashed all three tags.  They were hoping to find TA68 but no luck today.

On the last part of the trail they saw a seal's belly glistening in the hot sun. The seal was small so they were thinking one of the weaners. They waited for almost an hour to get an ID. But it was worth the wait there was Luana's pup, a chubby female RS20. She is looking good no markings and a cutie. Good to see her doing okay on her own.

Rabbit Island

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