Tuesday, September 12, 2023

September 12, 2023 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn  and Team R&B๐Ÿ’–

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:55 to 3:10 and there were three seals on island.
When Marilyn first started viewing there was an Adult Female in the middle of LPB. She was adult size, newer coat, two red tags, light to medium gray female belly. Checking the photos Marilyn noticed she has a quarter size natural bleach on her left shoulder.
At 1:26 she noticed a small seal had hauled out about 100 feet Makapuu side of the 1BS. Weaner: weaner size, two red tags, she never saw much of the ventral size so she can't confirm its gender. 
Out on RRB was a Juvenile Female: juvenile size (or another weaner), light female belly and unsure about tags. 

Team R&B found a big female seal on the rocks at guard rails. She was on her side and had no tags, but a dark spot on her upper chest let them know it was R604 Kiane.  They waited a long time for movement and she finally showed them what they needed to see to be sure, there were her many cc scars all over her body.

At another west side location they came across RQ42 on his own. He was out in the open again making Tema R&B happy they could really look him over. He is very green perhaps he'll molt soon. His tags and L7 applied bleach were visible.
Then to the right of seal inlet was RG32 alone basking in the hot sun. His coat is looking really dark, maybe he's another who will be molting soon.

Their next stop they were thrilled to find three seals on the rocks today. ( a very good seal day for Team R&B).  They were especially thrilled when they found KG54/KG89 Huaka'i. She is looking rather fat and beautiful and that gray tag was visible.

Then they found the lovely RH48 Lei Ola in the company of RH32 Kaale.  Lei Ola was so annoyed with his pestering she let him have it. Kaale got upset and left heading west.

Rabbit Island
Lei Ola
RH48 & RH32

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