Monday, September 4, 2023

September 04, 2023 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:45 to 2:20 and there were only two seals, and it appears a couple of humans.
When Marilyn arrived one of the men who works at the pier told her he had kayaked around Rabbit Island and there was someone with a blue kayak on the island as well as two people who had come by on a boat with an outboard motor.
Just as Marilyn started viewing the throw net fisherman with the blue kayak hauled in a lot of fish in his net at LPB. Later he managed to walk by the only two seals on the island. He has been on the island in the past and has been reported to DOCARE multiple times.
Marilyn did submit a DLNR tip. He did make his way around the seals, and Marilyn has never seen him actually disturb the seals.

At the waterline near SRI was an Adult Female: adult to subadult size, new coat, light gray female belly and two red tags.
At 1:20 pm she noticed another seal that she labeled as an Unknown Unknown near the channel at RRB. She is guessing this is one of the weaners or a juvenile. It looked like it has a newer coat and a light ventral, but Marilyn was unsure of its gender and never saw its rear flippers.

Team R&B noted there were lots of people out on all the beaches today. At first they didn't see any seals especially since they were checking on Miss Kala. After seeing her all this time they were missing her.
And then they noticed her, she had moved from her "hide out". She made her way over to the rocks and landed in a pond far from her regular water hole. They were thrilled she is still in the neighborhood, looking so clean and shiny in her new coat.
Also they shared a picture of the moon from the evening before.

Then they decided to make the trek out to Ka'ena West again. First critter was RP30 Puka who is about
50% molted. 
The next seal was the lovely RS20 snuggled in the rocks. She had some visitors so they watched and thankfully people moved along.
Last seal they found out there in the heat was a fat male, resing on the rocks. There was Kaale RH32, who never moved a muscle.
An added bonus was making a new friend. They met a gentleman named Gary from Ireland. They spent time talking story especially about his interesting walking stick, with wood from Ireland, deer
antler handle and a coin from Ireland.  Always nice to talk with good hearted people.

Their last seal for the day was at the cliffs. There was RM31 Kai, it was hard to see him but they managed to get a few pics of him hidden away.

Rabbit Island
New Friend Gary

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