Saturday, April 25, 2020

04/25/2020 Stay-At-Home (33) Thinking About Honey Girl

Aloha Good People

I am still feeling the emotions over this loss and after reading many of the social media post so are many others.  One thing for sure is Honey Girl R5AY touched many people here on Oahu, from professionals, volunteers, neighbors, and the folks at Turtle Bay Resort.  Honey Girl was pretty consistent in hauling out in certain spots on Oahu which made her part of the North Shore neighborhood. Then over the years giving birth, usually on North Shore and many times at Turtle Bay.

I am sure in days to follow there will be many stories, and photos to honor her and many of her off spring.  But tonight I want to give a shout out to a few of the MANY MANY people who watched over her through out the years.  Some of these folks have been around long before there was any organized volunteer group, they did it and continue to do it because, well.... they got really big hearts and some of the best folks I have ever met.

It goes without saying that our beloved DB was very much a part of R5AYs life.... but there were so many more. 
Kathy and Jim Brown were around when Honey Girl gave birth to Penelope back in 2006.  They did such an amazing job even back then documenting details about the size and interactions of mom and pup.  We also have Kathy to thank for developing an educational curriculum that has been used to education so many of Hawaii's children.
John Johnston, Ella & Dave Siroskey, Joanne Tabor, Karen Harris were some of the folks from the early early days looking after her. 
I got involved in 2008 and Honey Girl was my first official pup watch. Oh those days, it was truly grass roots, scrambling to create some level of organized shifts and consistent information. In those days NOAA managed the whole event.  Team Billand, Dana Jones, Lesley McPherson, Karen Banes, Jan Williamson, Liz Weske, Jennifer & Rafe Maldenado, Karen Bryant, Diane Gabriel, Karen Rohter, were some of the folks involved in that seasons pupping events. In 2008 when Honey Girl gave birth at Crawfords beach, KC gave birth about a week later at Mokuleia. 
This made for interesting times, for a bunch of "volunteers" who didn't have anything in common other than watching over these mom and pups. As a result,  a group of us got together and created Oahu's first organized volunteer group by setting up a non-profit.
As the years went on, folks like Karen Turner, Jeannie Martinson, Kelly Girl, Don Porter and so many more got involved when Honey Girl decided to make the Keiki Pool at turtle bay her favorite birthing spot. 
A BIG shout out to the staff, including security at Turtle Bay who were always supportive of the volunteers, as well as keeping an eye out for our girl.

I apologize if I have left anyone out, that is not my intent.... I truly know we were all in it together and we all feel the loss of this amazing female who taught us so much about Hawaiian monk seals, mother nature in the wild, and how precious life is to all critters.

AND last but not least to all the posse that through out the years, had an opportunity to meet her while snoozing on the north shore, or maybe meeting one of her kids.

THANK YOU ALL for the years and genuine caring for each other and our beloved monk seals.

1 comment:

Donna said...

And... How can I forget Marilyn.
Who was there to help me on my infamous slip, fall and break when Ua was a pup.