Tuesday, April 21, 2020

04/21/2020 Stay-At-Home (29) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

On Sunday Apr 19th - RW02 PVKauai hauled out in the morning at Camp Erdman Point and spent all day there

Today I hiked out to the point helping Molly do the Yellow Faced Bee survey. It was so hot that we had to enter one of the pools to cool off before coming back out
I saw and documented the following seals:
R303 BG in her pool - she looking bigger and bigger.
RL74 Kami - was on some reefs being washed by the big sets of the swell, so she moved higher
RN04 Kainoa - was swimming around for a long time before hauling out on the Runway. I was able to finally see and document the wound I had reported a couple of days ago when he was under water. It's a CC bite with a flap of skin and blubber. It doesn't seem to be bothering him
RJ58 Kaimana - was in shallow water of the Main Pool. At first I saw it was a female, not big enough to be RN58 Luana but bigger than the Kaulapapa girls and Napua. A pleasant surprise to see her. I noticed she had a weird line on her upper lip. 
So I sat for an hour in the boiling sun holding the camera on my knees trying to get a zoom photo of the area. It's a scar, but for the longest time it looked to me that there could be a foreign object. Needless to say it was a relief to be able to get the shots
RW02 PVKauai - was laying near Kaimana but there was NO interaction during the whole time I was there.
More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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