Saturday, April 11, 2020

04/11/2020 Stay-At-Home (19) Saturday Monk Seal Dailies

Aloha good people,
Another day of staying put, seems it's getting difficult to even walk about some of the beaches as HPD is patrolling.  Good for them keeping people safe, but makes checking in on our beloved critters a challenge. 

Since folks have time on their hands I been getting lots of links to memories which is always nice to review. Melody sent a video she put together to honor Pohaku and Nanea's memory.  So sit back turn up the volume and grab a couple of tissues.

Thank you Melody for sharing.

3 comments: said...

Belated comment - We tried our best. Daily attempts at offering fish. She showed no interest. Administering medicines and taking samples for further analysis. We also tubed her with fish mash. Much love and work went to try to save her. My sincere condolences. said...

Belated comment - We tried our best. Daily attempts at offering fish. She showed no interest. Administering medicines and taking samples for further analysis. We also tubed her with fish mash. Much love and work went to try to save her. My sincere condolences.

Laurie said...

It was so sad to read about Nanea and now Pohaku. During our visit to Oahu last summer, I have fond memories of my many visits to Paradise Cove watching and learning about monk seals...but, most especially watching Nanea and Pohaku. I know this is a sad time for all who watch over the species. Your dedication is heart warming as is the beautiful tribute to Pohaku and Nanea.