Wednesday, April 15, 2020

04/15/2020 Stay-At-Home (23) Wednesday Monk Seal Dailies

Aloha good people,

I hope you are all doing well.  I found myself wondering what life is going to look like when we get past this period of time.  I've taking it one day at a time, and to be honest my routine hasn't changed drastically since I have been spending more time at home looking after my aging Mom.  But today while out for a walk I begin to feel an overwhelming sadness. Some of it may be missing my friends and socializing, and some of it is  I fear things will not go back to life as we know it.  
We are in for change, and with every ounce of my being I hope we learn from this time, we take better care of each other and our environment. I hope we can find leadership with honesty and compassion for all people and not measured by the economy, after all it's the people who make the economy and not the opposite. 
I do take comfort in knowing during this time out (stay-at-home) our environment has had a chance to breath and flourish without human interference. It's nice knowing there is some good in all of this. 
I apologize for my rambling, but since there is little seal news, well your stuck with me and my thoughts.

Okay I lied, there was some wonderful news from Molokai today based on Kalupapa National Historical Park facebook page announcing their 1st pup for 2020.  Momma is N20 a known to Molokai.

Here on Oahu there were a couple of sightings. RG28 Lefty and little RL20 Kalua were spotted on the west side.
RG28 Lefty
 RL20 Kalua
 N20 and Molokai Pup #1 
(from Kalupapa National Historical Park facebook page) 


b said...

Things have changed in such a short period of TIME. I too wonder if we will ever get back to NORMAL.

For us, after many years of looking for seals daily, and then, THE VIRUS took over, has Changed our lives alot.

We no longer can cover beach after beach....they are all closed. We start our day wondering if we can find: Lysol Disenfectant, Toilet Paper, Rice, soap etc. We cant sit in a to have a meal any more, we cant HUG our friends, we have to stay 6 feet apart in a line for groceries, OR ANY THING.

We all have to wear Masks which make me claustrophobic!!! I thought the other day, NO ONE CAN SEE IF I AM SMILING any more...wearing a mask or understand me when I talk.

My pets are happy we are home every day now....they love it.

We clean the house more often, mow the lawn, wash the clothes all the time...cause we HAVE TIME TO DO IT.

We have thrown away alot of stuff we accumalated through the years, as GOOD WILL IS CLOSED...cant donate nothing to them.

First thing in the morning, watch TV to see where the VIRUS is spreading...hoping not in our area, but its every where in the world too.

Has life changed???? Indeed. Will it ever be the same???? NOPE.

Our families have lost their jobs, how will THEY cope with that?????

I say my prayers for all who are suffering....I say prayers to help us get through these unbelievable TOUGH TIMES.

I ask my parents who are no longer here....HOW DID YOU GUYS LIVE THROUGH WAR??? And Can we all get through this???? I believe we will one day....but its gonna take months maybe years to get back to a normal life.

And yes, the ocean is silent, but yet healing without MAN disturbing it. The reefs are free of humans stepping on it, fish swim free...well almost if it wasnt for AKULE boats. Sorry....

God bless each and every one of you and your families....some how we will survive and have better days ahead. Be strong, we can do this.......

b said...

And one more thing I forgot to mention, Besides missing my hugs from friends, I MISS MY GRAND Daughter so much. We are missing her growing up. I saw a photo of her, GOD she has grown so fast, couldnt believe it. We used to love going to beach to beach looking for seals since she was in diapers.

I miss her HUGS!!!!! He silly jokes. We do keep in contact by phone. Just not the same.

Ok, thats it......................