Saturday, April 4, 2020

04/04/2020 Stay At Home (12) Saturday Monk Seal Dailies

Aloha Good People,
I hope you are all staying safe. Quote I heard earlier " You are not STUCK at home, you are SAFE at home."  
So eleven days into stay at home I thought I would share some pup video. Enjoy!
DISCLAIMER: These pups were handled with the utmost care ;-) 


b said...

Oh how I appreciate a happy time with such sweet kids. I loved the feeding session and noticed JUST ONE TEAT to munch on and the little one was happy with that. Even making happy noises while sucking away.

Did you make me SMILE????? Indeed you did. Mission accomplished!!!

Staying at home with the kids.....PRICELESS!!!!!! Safe!!! Secure!!!


Donna said...

Barb - they were bottle fed. Their Mom was hit by a car and the litter was rescued when they were 2 weeks old, eyes not even open. Feeding every 3 hours.

b said...

Oh my, thats sad the mom was struck by a car. That makes you, MOM. God bless you for rescuing them, giving them the love and warmth they both needed at such a tragic moment in their young lives.

I meant one TEAT....the bottle nipple.

God bless, and many happy years ahead... with two sweet souls.