At 0657 I found Kea (RN46) at the Blowhole Cove. I’d last seen him, at Rabbit Island after a 3 day stay, on 5-8-15. As has been the case of late, he has been on the road, going Only Kea Knows where since then. Both Gayle & Vicki advised that at midday, Kea was no longer there. He was not there on my 1400 recheck. My guess is that he’ll show up again at Rabbit Island, but as previously stated, OKK.

At 0714 I found Sadie&PO2, in the Morning Glory, 30 ft right of 1BS, on Rabbit Island. When I got back to Makai Pier at 0909 they had relocated to the water line at the far left end of RI, probably after an unobserved swim session. After a feed and a snooze they would enter the water again (with PO2 in the lead) from 1053-1233. Another feed and snooze followed. I finally got a look at the kid’s belly, but I’m reserving judgement to I get a better look.

At 1150 Kolohe (RW22) hauled out to the left end rock flats on RI, where he remained the rest of the day.
At 0645 Team Billand reported Nihoa (R912) at the mouth, on the Uleawa’s side of the Maipaloa Canal.
At 1032 they reported the arrival of Kimo Kai (RT12) to Maili Guard Rails.
At 1130 they found RK36 at Makua Cliffs.
At a different location at Makua Cliffs they found RL42 at 1142.

A LesleyTxt at 1228 from The End of the World, reported RIP (RR70), Ka’ena (RO40)&RW02 at the main pool, and Squinty (R330) at the runway, at Ka’ena Pt. As a side note to the KP chapter, posse member Vicki Hangai had texted on 5-18 that she had seen RW02 (N62 bleach) & an U/U. I met up with Vicki today and her photos confirm that the unknown animal was, in fact, Squinty (R330) . Thank you Vicki !!
Pohaku’s son, RF28 is on Oahu. The boy seems to have a hook in his esophagus Go to the NOAA site for the latest At https://www.facebook.com/HMSRP .
Kolohe and Sadie and PO2
Sadie and PO2
Kea at blow hole
Kea's signature bleach flipper tip
Kimo Kai at Guard Rails
Nihoa at Maipalaoa
RK36 at Makua Cliff
RL42 at Makua Cliff
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