Also at 0700 I found what would prove to be Aukai (RL12) up at the log, 40 ft left of 1BS. She would move down to the left end water line, spending the day in proximity to Mom&Pup, but there was never any interaction. She would later move up with the rising tide.
I had not found anybody on my rounds of the SE quadrant and Gayle checked in mid day to report that she too had found nobody.
On a routine pan at 0752 I found Kainoa (RN04) newly arrived fronting 3BS.
At 0715 Team Billand reported Kimo Kai (RT12)&Nihoa (R912) together at Maili Guard Rails.
Marilyn & Lesley trekked to The End of the World today. On their way in they first discovered RW02 at Hidden Beach at 0830. He was gone on the way out. At Ka’ena Point they found RL42 and Squinty (R330).
Dana called at 1205 with reports of R5AY at “Alligator Pond”, and RI37 down the beach a tad, in Hauula.
The highlight of my day came at 1230, with a call from Molokai. It wasn’t so important that my #2 son, Mojo (RI17) had been reported there, but the reportees were most definitely a biggy. My very most favorite outside islanders, Val & Di were on Molokai, together again. Thanks for the report. Have a grrrrreat weekend !
Karen Rohter sent Ola (RG03) shots from her stint on Weaner duty at Turtle Bay. Ya’ never know with this kid but it looks like leftover algae in her whiskers from brunch. Thanks Karen .
Sadie, PO2 , and Aukai... seal party
R330 aka squinty
RW02 at hidden beach
Nihoa and Kimo Kai
Ola loa
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