Posse member Jaime called at 0635 advising of an animal at the Blowhole end of Sandy Beach. Since Buster was there last evening, I was reasonably sure it would be him. At 0640 I confirmed the Buster (RV08) ID. He was moving down to the water as I approached. After lolling around in the shallows he began moving outside, reaching open water at 0705. I last saw him heading west. I expected to see him at Blowhole when I got there, but that was not the case. Only Buster knows .
On a pan at 1022 I found Kainoa (RN04), 40 ft right of 3BS on RI.
At 1008 the discovered Nihoa (R912). NOAA personnel hazed her out of the canal at 1200.
At 1211 the Billands reported the arrival of Kolohe (RW22) to join Kimo Kai at Guard Rails. He was gone at 1630.
At 1524 Team Billand found RL42 at Makua Cliffs.
A DanaTxt at 1633 advised of RI37 in Hauula.
Lesley called from The End of the World,at 1843, with the report of 6 critters, in the Main Pool at Ka’ena Point. They were Kaikaina (RL54),RIP (RR70), Ka’ena (RO40), U’ilani (RN37), Luana (RN58) & RW02 (N62).
In the Yesterday’s News department I must fess’ up, and admit Pilot Error on last night’s dailies. I somehow managed to not include the Billand’s shots from Guard Rails, with Kimo Kai, Nihoa & a later arriving Kolohe. I’ve added them tonight.
Buster at Sandy Beach
Sadie and PO2 - do we know if we have a she or he? or any hints
Benny's belly
Kimo Kai singing out
Kimo kai and Kolohe
YESTERDAY's News some forgotten photos....
Nihoa and Kimo Kai
Nihoa, Kimo Kai and Kolohe
1 comment:
A text came from Linda at KoOlina, seal on shore, Lagoon 3. I got in touch with Nancy as she watched Benny till 8pm night before. And she took the ropes as we were afraid to LEAVE it out, some how disappears all the time.
Nancy went over to rope seal off which was BENNY.
We went over at around 6:55am to help Nancy. Crowd began...good thing she put the ropes up.
And Benny did us all a favor..he galumphed off. But before doing so, he gave a big sneeze, a nice poop and then off he went to the open ocean. None of us seen him again.
I ran on the rocks to make sure he was out of lagoon, and the bugga dived..it was not known, what direction he went.
BIG THANKS TO LINDA and Nancy for being on it with BENNY...and for all your morning checks out there at KoOlina.
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