Also at 0747 I found RIP (RR70) at right Middle Cliff, and Aukai (RL12) at 3BS. RIP would galumph over to join Aukai at 1126. RIP would depart at 1248, while Aukai remained.
Team Billand checked in at 0733 advising that they had seen Kolohe (RW22) foraging off shore of Wind Sock. The adoring hordes would not let him haul out. They found him again off shore of Nimitz Cottages, and again, though he wanted to haul out the hordes would not allow it. Finally, at 0923 they got a call from White Plains lifeguards advising of an animal at Tower#1. It would prove to be Kolohe. Posse member, Surfa’ Rich cordoned him off. Volunteer Terri & count crew also checked him out.
At 0825 the Billands advised that Debbie had reported an animal at Aki’s Beach, Makaha, however the animal was gone by the time she arrived.
Dana forwarded an email from Joy Sliver confirming Right Spot (R016) at Gas Chambers, on the North Shore today at 1233.
No word yet on the Seal Count numbers. Hopefully, there will be something from the Monk Seal Foundation tonight , for the blog in the morning. Not official but heard the numbers on Oahu were as low as 9.... Seals win the game of hide and seek.
Rip and Aukai
the original Rabbit Island Pup
Sadie and PO2
Kekoa at Maili... this little guy is growing up
okay he's still cute and pudgy
Kolohe with Terri and Gang
Kolohe !!!
I know this is Kolohe but it's such a Benny pose
Right spot at gas chambers
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