At 0754 I found Kainoa (RN04), 40 ft left of 3BS,and RIP (RR70)&Aukai (RL12) together 70 ft right of 3BS.
At 0847 RM38 hauled out at RIP&Aukai’s location, and RIP quickly said Nope! to that. RM38 would later haul out to the water front rocks right of Seal Rock Inlet, where he remained out of the action all day.
At 0943 I became aware of a “swimming head” moving toward Aukai’s location. When he hauled out it proved to be Kolohe (RW22). The guys was just at White Plains yesterday, but today he is back home for a visit. The poor guy would attempt to haul out with every other cast member , except RM38, and at each attempt there was a battle. Aukai wasn’t interested, Kainoa couldn’t be bothered. Sadie was ready to kick his ass, and through 2 encounters RIP said... not no, but Hell No !
At 0645 Team Billand reported finding Nihoa (R912) a new canal for her, in Waianae.
At 0832 they found Kimo Kai (RT12) at Maili Guard Rails. He would be gone on their 1225 check.
At 1125 the Billands found Kekoa (RK72) at Maili Point.
At 1230 Team Billand reported RL42 at Makua Cliffs.
A DanaTxt at 1430 reported La’akea (RK82) on the hotel beach at Turtle Bay.
I checked the Monk Seal Foundation , Facebook site this evening and found a breakdown, by island , of yesterday’s count. Maui=1, Kauai=13, Molokai=15, Oahu=9&the Big Island=0. I was hoping for ID photo info and location of the sightings, but alas it was not to be.
Posse member Ken Tingman trudged to The End of the World, and reported RK36 at Hidden Beach, and Luana (RN58) at the main pool at Ka’ena Point. Photos tomorrow.
Lastly, a Happy 2nd to little girl, U’ilani (RN36)!!
Kainoa and Rip
Kainoa RM38 and Rip
Sadie PO2 and Kolohe
Happy Birthay U
Kimo Kai
is she back to the place where she shouldn't be?
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