That was followed at 0809 with a call from Sandy Beach walker posse member Carla, advising that there was an animal just hauling out to the Blowhole end of Sandy Beach at the tide pools. When I arrived at 0817 I found and confirmed Kolohe (RW22). Just as I was readying the signs he returned to the water, at 0825. 57 minutes later I would see him haul out to Rabbit Island. It’s rare that you get a in/out time, with distance involved. The boy made good time.

At 0914 I arrived at Makai Pier to find Sadie&PO2(RB12) just moving down to the water line at the 1BS. They would do a single observed swim session from 1107-1144.
Also at 0914 I would find what would prove to be Kaiwi (RK96)&Aukai (RL12) together up in the Morning Glory, at the log, 40 ft left of 1BS. Each would move down independently.

At 1233 Sandy Beach posse member Jeff called to advise that there was somebody on the outfall at the east end of SB. When I arrived I found, confirmed , and cordoned off, Kea (RN46). This marks his first return to the outfall since his marathon stay of 54 straight days ending on 12-6-14, when he did his molt. Gayle called at 1754 to report that Kea had just departed.

Team Billand called at 0653 with the report of Nihoa (R912) on the Uleawa’s side of the Maipalaoa Canal, Maili. Team Billand advised that Nihoa departed the beach at 1750 and swam into the canal.
At 0800 the Billands found Kimo Kai (RT12) at Maili Guard Rails.

At 1102 Diane Terai called with the report of Ola (RG03) at “The Elbow”, Turtle Bay. At 1138 Team Billand reported RIP (RR70) at Maili Point.
A Dana call at 1440 brought word of La’akea (RK82) at Right Spot’s spot, Turtle Bay, and an U/U at Kawela Bay.
To my shock and awe I got a call at 1542 from Diane Terai, who was on her way back on an 8 mile, each way trek , walking from TB to Kawela Bay, where she did , thankfully, find Right Spot (R016) !!!
Kaiwi, Kolohe, Sadie, PO2 and Aukai
Sadie and PO2
Kolohe - LOVE seeing the seals swim underwater
gives a completely different perspective
cruising on by
and here's Kolohe at Sandy's .... not quite as graceful
Buster at Sandy's
i spy the seal whisperer roping off Buster
Kea at Sandy's
Ka'ena at Ka'ena Point
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