Tuesday, September 15, 2020

09/15/2020 Tuesday (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update


First morning check RG40 Holokai overnighted at our doorstep and RG28 Lefty further down the beach at his spot also overnighted. His molt is +50%

When I came back hours later. Lefty had swum around to BB/Tables and Holokai was in the same spot.

Next spotted little RL98 Lina @ 10Mins Beach - she still hasn't started her molt. She was still there on my way back from the point.

At Hidden Beach RN58 Luana was in the company of RW02 PVKauai - they were still there on my way out.

At the point R330 Squinty was up on the outside reefs, RO40 Ka'ena did a swim by the outer pool smelt Squinty did a couple of head plunges a la Benny and left.

Good news just came in that the grounded vessel at the point has just been removed (D9) - I spent several hours out there this morning and left as the salvage team was arriving.

I get the well-deserved break now 
Be safe 🌺😷

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