Saturday, August 15, 2020

08/15/2020 Saturday (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Aloha all
I thought I might make it clear here that part of my job is to monitor KPtSP and its wildlife. Then on my free time I write the reports and share some photos with you.

Today I sighted 4 seals:
RN04 Kainoa @ 10Mins Beach - he was still there hours later when I came back out
RN58 Luana overnighted @ Hidden Beach - I was happy to see her there it's been a while since her last sighting. She was still there on my way out
RL74 Kami was hauled out on some (very uncomfortable to look at) reefs near Nihoa's Pool. On my way out she was being washed by the waves so she entered the water and left
RK36 Kauai Kolohe was were I saw him yesterday, doing the hippo in the Main Pool. he would swim around in slow motion, stop for a while, go under, come back and repeat.

The last Albatross chick is still around and the Shearwater chicks are popping out of their shells everywhere (hatching)
More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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