Wednesday, August 5, 2020

08/05/2020 (part 2) Wednesday Lesley's Ka'ena Update

I had to stay on this side today but got to see some seals.
Went down at dawn and found RK36 Kauai Kolohe and RW02 PVKauai @ Lyman's West. They were far from each other and it doesn't seem they had any interaction.
Later in the morning I got a call for a seal at Camp Erdman. Got there to find RK36 Kaui Kolohe and a group of the Day Camp Kids. Spend an hour talking to them and answering all kind of questions. it took me a while to ID him. 
I had high hopes it could be R400,  the "young" female I documented a couple of days ago at 10Mns Beach. She's usually seen in Kauai and has had a couple of pups on the Napali side. It was her first documented visit to Oahu. Looking forward to seeing her again here on the rock.
More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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