Saturday, August 8, 2020

08/08/2020 ( part 2 ) Saturday Lesley's Ka'ena Update


After having the park packed for several weeks today it was quiet as a Monday morning, but there was still a lot of work to do.

First seals were overnighted RK40 Napua and RG40 Holokai at Lyman's West. Although they were very close to each other it doesn't seem by "reading" the trails that there was any interaction between them. Both spent the day there.
At Hidden Beach RW02 PVKauai was near the waterline all wet, freshly hauled out. When I checked again several hours later, he was no longer there.
At the point RL74 Kami and R330 Squinty were on the Runway, She on some reefs on the side and him stretched out across it.
On my way out I spotted a freshly hauled out RN04 Kainoa @ 10 Mns Beach.

Yesterday my camera had a tragic death in a saltwater puddle. Tammy didn't think twice to lent me her camera to do today's monitoring MAHALO !!!!
Be safe all ğŸŒºğŸ˜·

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