We arrived at 0550, and began the Kaiwi search. At 0555 we found her 150 yds east of the east end of the established SPZ. During the day she would be worked pretty good my a rising new swell, getting tossed and pummeled in the shore break. She handled with no problem, always coming back for more. During the day she ranged to two within 50 ft east of the east end fence line, and as far as 175 yds east of the fence, hauling out at 1047 at that location for a much deserved snooze. She was still there when I ended my 10-1 shift.

According to Diga on the afternoon shifts, Kaiwi entered the water to play in her newest tide pool at 1330, hauling out again at 1510 at her starting location, but for the first time moving up to the vegetation line, at 1635. Diane said she was fascinated with a vine which she played with and was interested in the waving grasses. We we broke down the cordon at dark, I left a sign and rope at a high approach to her location through the vegetation and a sign on the approaches to her location, high on the beach. When we departed she was snoozin' and blinkin'.

On my first look at Rabbit Island at 0729, I found Duke (RA12) snoozin' in the Morning Glory at Seal Rock Inlet. He would remain all day. When I got back from my 2nd RI look at 1341 I found that Nani (RK60) had joined the RI cast on the far left end of the beach.
At 0733 I found Irma (R010) waiting for me on the far right end of Makapuu Beach. I got her cordoned off, and she remained until 1553, when she departed of her own volition.

Team Billand checked in at 0816 to report Benny (RE74) at Maili Point. They reported his departure at 0839.
At 1250 the Billands reported Kermit (R4DG), with an admirer 2 ft away, at Wind Sock.
Dana checked in at 1242 with the report of Right Spot at her "right spot", and La'akea in the Keiki Pool, at Turtle Bay. Karen Turner provided confirming photos.

In the "Yesterday's News" department Kelly Evans sent La'akea at the Keiki Pool yesterday, as well as shot of Mr. Meditator, sitting in a vacated Right Spot cordon. Of course I know it can't be true, but I choose to think that the idiot is sitting on top of a little "gift" from Right Spot, and wondering why his deordorant has failed him so horribly. Like I said, I wanna' believe , just because its a comforting image.
Irma RO10 @ Makapuu Beach
Benny RE74 @ Maili Point
I'm too sexy for my .... shirt
Guess I better move on
What's wrong with this picture? I would like to believe the angle of this shot makes this woman look closer than she really is... but I know better. WHAT was she thinking? Really at that moment if Kermit would just let out a snort or a roar and scare her into knowing this is sooooo not safe.
Everybody loves Kermit.... silly !
Kermit R4DG @ Windsock
Dreaming of my old gal Irma
Hope you all realize in todays' news we have the old love triangle of Irma, Kermit and Benny.... will they cross paths? Will Kermit and Benny go nose to nose? flipper to flapper? Only time will tell.
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