While I did a quicky check of Irma's, Sandy Beach and Blowhole (zero), Marilyn began the AD check at 0600. She found Kaiwi (RK96), in the water , 400 yds east of the AD wall. Through the morning Kaiwi would swim from that point to 150 ft east of the wall, back to the 300 yd site, back to the 150 ft site, and then back to the 300 yds east of the wall, and finally haul out at 1208, and move up to her grassy patch. During her morning swim I saw her further out than I've ever seen her. She was in the "line up" on the wave that surfers would be surfing had the waves been decent. I saw her out that far several times today, and we lost her multiple times in the surf. Candace said that Kaiwi entered the water at 1730, and began moving west, but as we arrived to close up shop she had lost her, which happened several times today. We found her at the Benny Battle tide pool at 1800.

Despite many a mile on the Irma & Kermit Kuest today I came up with zilch.
Marilyn, Zeenat & Patrick also reported Pohaku (RO28) on the water front rocks 400 yds east of the AD wall. I finally arrived a 0715, and also concurred with the Pohaku ID. She would remain there all day. Pokahu departed around 1700.

On my 0758, Blowhole check I found Buster (RV08) doing 6 minute dives. When I got back to Blowhole at 1312 I found that Buster had hauled out to the small cove on the Sandy Beach side of the Blowhole Lookout.
On my Rabbit Island check,at 0932 I found that Nani (RK60) on the Waimanalo side of Left Point Beach. She would have the place all to herself .

Team Billand reported RIP (RR70) at Maili Point at 0733.
And made a visit to Ka Iwi from the great photos they took of the little bugger playing with a stick up in the grassy area.
Marilyn did the KP trek, and found Kerby (RW08), 761, a 100% molted Noa (R6FI), and a 75% molted Ka'ena (RO40) at the end of the world.
Buster V08 chilling at the blow hole
RO28 @ Alan Davis Estate
And here's Ka Iwi in all her glory
she's probably going to sneeze but looks like she' laughing
And now for the fun... me and the stick
oh joy me and my stick
Older brother RIP hanging out at Maili
Poor RIP has a bad case of the crabs
1 comment:
We didnt have any critters to protect on our side, Rip was fine at his location. So we took a nice ride to see the DYNAMIC DUO...Kermit and IRma!! But to our disappointment, they werent chilling out at Irmas or any where else, we looked and DB was looking too. Shucks! But we had a nice visit with the AD pup, Kaiwi, who was very busy with a silly stick. Oh how pretty she is, so silly, pulling weeds, just having a ball...all by herself. Little did she know, she gave us such a great show.
It was nice to see R028, Pohaku there too, just enjoying her peace and tranquility out there, with a fishermen enjoying his day and respecting Pohaku's space.
What an amazing view we had when Kaiwi was in the water, catching waves, it was pretty rough. But she was having fun, diving before the wave coming, then popping up in the air with her head high, like a dolphin. I wish I had documented that..her quick dives, her shooting out behind the wave passing. Really cool stuff. Da Stick...how simple a toy for her. And when she tossed that stick, she would search for it again and again, finding it, and tossing/chewing on it some more. How can any body, NOT LOVE THESE CREATURES???? If one would just sit and observe, they can see the beauty, the intelligence, the innocents, in each Monk Seal. Rob and I always feel so honored to be with them every day. Each with a personality so different, yet the same. All they want is a place to sleep, some food to eat, mate, and they even share the beaches...Now if MAN could do the same..earth would be .... HEAVEN!!!
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