At 0600 we arrived at AD, and because of Kaiwi's (RK96) travels yesterday we walked the water line looking for her. Murphy's Law being what it is, we naturally found her waaay down at the far end of the beach, at her usual spot of late, 300 yds east of the AD wall, nestled in near her favorite grassy patch, at 0614. We cordoned her off, and Zeenat took over at 0700. According to reports from Zeenat, Sabrina and Donna, Kaiwi entered the water at 0750, and began her journey to the west, just as yesterday, coming quite near the AD wall. She spent the day on on the flats and amongst the water front rocks, snoozin' and galumphin'. At 1800 , according to Gayle, Kaiwi began moving back toward the east, swimming or galumphing in the near shore shallows. When Marilyn and I left her at dark she was happily lolling in one of her favorite old tide pools. It was the one you regulars will know as the place where all the " Benny Battles" took place.

Despite lots of lookin' in the SE quadrant my only other critter turned out to be Buster (RV08). On my 2nd look at the Blowhole Lookout I found him just coming up from a dive at 0841. To my happy surprise he headed for the small cove on the Sandy Beach side of the Lookout, and hauled out there. I hiked in to the location from Sandy Beach, and confirmed the Buster ID at 0921.

Team Billand got a call from their posse member John, reporting an animal fronting #1777 Nimitz Cottages. It would prove to be Rocky (RH58). Residents there said she arrived last night and overnighted. Rocky would depart at 0920.
At 0940 Team Billand found Pohaku (RO28) at Guard Rails Beach in Maili.
Next came a Billand call at 1206, with the report of Ewa Girl (RS00) at Kalaeloa Campgrounds.

In theYesterday's News department Judy Nelson had seen and sent photos of an animal at Mokuleia yesterday, which Dana forwarded to me. It was my opinion that it was RI37, who had last been seen on 9-16-11. Since it was a difficult call I got input from Team Billand and from Sean Guerin at the office. I'm happy to report that all are in agreement, and RI37 is back. She has obviously molted between sightings. Thank You Judy !

Dana checked in at 1505 with word of an animal at MCBH. Photo confirmation came from base personnel, and it is definitely KC (RK28). She was also there as you already know, on 10-11-11.
Both Vera Cober and Diane (Diga) Gabriel provided shots from Turtle Bay today. La'akea and Right Spot were close at Right Spot's Spot.
Buster V08 in the shallows at the Blow Hole
Yesterday's news RI37 @ Mokuleia
Ewa Girl RS00 @ Kalaeloa Campgrounds
Ewa Girls' signature "c" scar on the right side of her face
Rocky RH58 @ Nimitz
RO28 @ Maili Point
Nice shot Barb... especially the reflection of RO28 in the water.
KC RK28 @ Kaneohe Marine Base
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