Sunday, October 30, 2011

10-30-11 KC @ MCBH

Late email from Karen Bryan shows KC at Kaneohe Marine Base near pyramid rock. Karen said the security folks been seeing seals there all week.... thing was they didn't know who to call. Maybe we need to meet up with Gordon.  Thank you Karen!


Barbara said...

Oh wow, thats so cool with the Pyramid Rock in the back ground. Just so beautiful. Kc is sure traveling about. I hope you guys can get communications going to observe all the seals going there. Wonder who else showed up. I wish one of the seals were....MAX!!! Once again, really pretty photos Karen.

Karen B said...

Thanks Barbara! They know who to call...they key person in the chain is on paternity leave!

Karen B said...

and the other key people were off...certain individuals just don't wanna cooperate...YET! I'm gonna do some arm twistin'!

Anonymous said...

To Karen: Semper Fi - you go girl!