We began at AD at 0600, walking the whole thing, but finding nobody. I then began working my way to Sandy Beach. It would be 0738 when I lucked out and found Kaiwi (RK96) foraging at "Pohakus" , Crappy Cove, Sandy Beach. She would move inside then outside, and I spent as much time in lost mode, as in found mode,but she remained there until Donna relieved me at 1300. Thanks to Tammy and pal Lori for accounting for two of the finds. Ya' Done Good !!!

Tammy gave me a break and I ran over to Spitting Cave, where posse member Michele had reported an animal. It proved to be Buster (RV08) doing 6 minute dives.
I got to Makai Pier after being relieved by Donna, and found an U/U, partially visible behind water front rocks, right of Seal Rock Inlet. I must "fess' up" and admit that my Duke ID of yesterday was in error. This was definitely the same animal , and it is not Duke. Maybe tomorrow ????

Kaiwi was at Crappy Cove when Donna took over at 1300, but as had happened numerous times in the morning, she lost sight of Kaiwi at 1351. After a suitable wait, Donna and Gayle checked Irma's and found Kaiwi headed for her favorite water front rocks haul out spot, 200 yds west of the AD wall, at 1430, where she proceeded to snooze away the rest of the day. She was still snoozin' when I closed up shop at dark.
Team Billand reported Kermit (R4DG) and Irma (R010) together at Tracks, at 0914.
They found Ewa Girl (RS00) at Wind Sock.

Vera Cober sent the usual excellent photos of both La'akea (RK82) playing with the buoys in the TB Hotel lagoon, after her haul out, and of Right Spot (R016) and Right Spot's spot with a freak that you regulars up there probably know all too well. He totally disregarded Vera's request to stay out of the SPZ, and put is fingers in his ears yelling "lalalala" etc. , ignoring her requests.
Kaiwi RK96 @ Sandy Beach crappy cove
Buster V08 @ Spitting Cave near a diver?
Great shots Vera.... what pup wouldn't want to play with a giant floating ball!
Wonder if La'akea RK82 will make this a daily routine
Well I guess we should be grateful he stuck his fingers in his ears and not somewhere else.
Right Spot
Seen that idiot before, good for you Vera!!! You gave it a shot at trying to remove him from zone, but this nut is missing a link, half empty, so there isnt much you can do. But snapping the photo is priceless...he is a cracker ass for not listening. Now others can look out for him too.
And Donna, Loved your comment!!! Ha. HA. HE. He.
Photos of seal with floater, cute, yet, wonder what else she do with the divers out there. She is one busy body..right from birth.
La'akea made a few choices yesterday that weren't in her favor, let's see what the upcoming week has in store for her. As for Mr. Lalala, I got a good laugh out of his childish defiance (not to mention the rest of him...).
Hope to see you on the beach one of these days!
Vera,did he have all his Teddy Bears on the beach ? There's a pattern to his behavior: he goes up and down the beach "walking" one of the bears,then he carries a big rock from the water up the hill and down several times, does some abs, goes for a swim, and starts all over again. At the end of the day you can see him at the bus stop doing odd yoga positions or just laying on the side walk...
Yup.. several years watching him. Very entertaining ;p
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