Marilyn located Kaiwi (RK96) in her tide pool, 150 ft east of the AD wall at 0600. Once she moved out of the tide pool and out further it was difficult to impossible to keep track of her. When I checked in withZeenat at 1000 she advised that she had lost her at 0800, and after multiple trips back and forth still couldn't locate her. I searched the Sandy Beach end of Irma's to the estuary, a couple of times, but I too had no luck. Finally, at 1153 volunteer Gayle called to say that she had her, hauled out to the water front rocks, 200 yds west of the AD wall. The beach is referred to as Irma's. She was still there when I departed at 1300.

Should she decide to stay on this side of the wall, it will be much more difficult because of more loose dogs, with no pretense of leashes, heavy surf use, heavy fishing use, with multiple 4WD vehicles being grouped together out on the beach as fish camps, and in my opinion, the worst problem, 4WD activity, 24 hrs a day, with racing vehicles , running abreast up and down the beach at all hours. There is zero law enforcement to stop any of that.
This is what we all have worried about, let's hope she stays close to original spot and heads toward Rabbit Island. Charles can't we send her a navigation signal on that cell tag? (kidding of course)

Initially it appeared that she might have a wound or something on the left side of her mouth, as you will see in the photos, but it looked like a few whiskers clued together was lunch residue.
Tammy called at 1649 "she is on the move...headed west" were her words. "Oh Crap" were my words. Fortunately, moments later Tammy called to say she had turned east. At end of day Kaiwi was right where she began the morning, in a tide pool , 150 ft east of the wall.
Tammy certainly getting her workout with this weaner.... !

At 0632 I found Kolohe (RW22) , 40 ft left of 1BS, on Rabbit Island. He would remain all day.
At 0811 I found Duke (RA12) doing 7 minute dives at Spitting Cave.
When I got back to check RI again at 1347 I found Nani (RK60) on the Waimanalo side of Left Point Beach. She would remain the rest of the day.

On my 1347 check of Blowhole I found Buster (RV08) once again, snoozin' in the small cove on the Sandy Beach side of Blowhole Lookout.
Team Billand reported Benny (RE74) , once again at Maili Point.
Email from Dana said that La'akea (RK82 had been seen at Right Spot's spot, Turtle Bay.
Buster V08 @ Blowhole
Duke RA12 @ Spitting Cave
Kolohe RW22 on Rabbit Island
Nani RK60 on Rabbit Island
RE74 Benny benny bo benny... @ Maili Point
Seems so funny snoozing in the water.... nice shot
This weaner is on the move giving everyone on site today a run for the money.... Ka Iwi RK96
looks like something happening on her mouth
NOOOO just her whiskers stuck together... someone give her a napkin
Ya... I went on an adventure
things look different from this side of the wall... wonder whats down the road.
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