Barbara Fields arrived for the 10-1 shift. When I passed by at 1245 Kaiwi was still there. The Dills reported that she never even opened her eyes on their 1-4 shift, and Zeenat & Patrick had a snooze going as well, until she entered the water at 1700, and began exploring her old tide pools to the east. They lost her with the darkness. We picked up the stuff and called it a day.

Dana called at 0805 to advise of an animal at MCBH. At 1059 she advised that it was KC (RK28) . Awaiting photo confirmation. At 1059
Dana advised that Right Spot (R016) was at Right Spot's Spot. Karen Turner provided photo confirmation.

Dana also forward a video and a still from Shaka Kayaks showing an animal foraging at Kawela Bay. The video provided very little, but the still would suggest a youngster's face, and though it must go down as an U/U, I'd definitely put one cat on La'akea (RK82).
Team Billand found Kerma & Irmet (R4DG)& (R010) fronting #1775 at White Plains at 0800. They departed together at 1723.
Dana checked in at 1731 to advise that Right Spot had entered the water at 1700, and to also say that R5AY was in the Keiki Pond, and Ua Malie was just outside of the pond.
Kaiwi RK96 @ Alan Davis Estate
Some old dude known as the seal whisperer hard at work....
Unidentified Unknown @ Kawela Bay.... good chance it's La'akea
Right Spot R016 N6 @ Turtle Bay
Kermit and Irma @ White Plains
It's really amazing they are still haning out together...
Bickering like an old married couple
Cooling off a little bit.
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