I departed the site at 0800, with Lynne and new girl Candace on the job. Lynne called at 0830 to advise that one of the morning walkers had stopped to tell her that N3 was hauled out at the estuary. Lynne confirmed the ID. When I got there at 0850 I also concurred that it was Irma (R010). She was hauled out to a small sandy area on the west side of the estuary. We cordoned her off. I've never seen any animal hauled out to that location before. Lynne advised that Irma left of her own volition at 1735.

Team Billand checked in at 0850 to report Kermit (R4DG) at Kermit's Reef, on the west side of the Nimitz Jetty. He was run off by throw netters on the reef.

Dana called at 1426 to advise that Right Spot (R016) was at "the right spot", and La'akea (RK82 was approximately 1000 ft Kahuku side of her. Dana called again at 1605 to advise that Right Spot had departed of her own volition.
Ka Iwi early morning
Ka Iwi foraging
on the move
cigar or sea cucumber
Great shot of Kermit snoozing
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