While I started the day on a quicky Irma&Kermit Kuest, Marilyn went to AD, and found Kaiwi (RK96) in a tide pool at her birth site. I came after my check. Most of the Marilyn's shift (and the day for that matter) where spent in "lost " mode, trying to find Kaiwi. She can move with incredible speed, and can be inside or outside in a split second. These last few days she is moving further outside than ever before.

At 0845 she would haul out to her 300 yd east of the wall site and haul out to her grassy patch, but at 1100 was back in the water again. Barbara Fields and hubby as well as new girl Lizzy and I were trekking the beach front looking for the girl. Barbara's hubby would find her 100 ft east of the wall at 1239. She would haul out to the water front rocks, and Lizzy and I put up rope and signs to cordon her off, on a busy Sunday afternoon. Kaiwi began galumphing across the water front rock at dark, head for a night of foraging. We picked up the stuff at 1830 and called it a day.

I forgot to mention that my AD day started out by amassing and bagging the aftermath of a large party and the 300 yd location where Kaiwi spends most of her on shore time. There was a new (and larger ) fire pit, and what would turn out to be 3 bags of cans and bottles at the location . Obviously, a large party happened last night right at Kaiwi's most used location. Whether the party had any affect on her or not is unknowable, but points up yet again (and again, and again, and again), what a crappy location this is for a little weaner.

A 1354 call from Dera brought word, via police dispatch, of two animal at Kaupo Beach Park. When I arrived at 1400 I found Kermit (1400) and Irma (1400), near the pump house at the Waimanalo end of KPB. Witnesses said they had been there for 2 hours already. I cordoned them off and hope for the best. I picked up the stuff at 1818. Witnesses said they departed of their own volition at 1730.

Team Billand checked in at 1345 with the report of Benny (RE74) at Maili Point, reading a Playboy ............no kidding.......reading a Playboy. Seeeee..... all us males have been telling you for years that we don't look at Playboy for the pictures.... we care about the articles. This one appears to be about "sensual products" (centerfold Benny........ centerfold... turn the page, Benny !!!!).
Vera once again provided excellent La'akea shots from Turtle Bay today. Thank You Vera !!
What is wrong with people... they can't clean up after themselves? And I do agree, who knows what happens at night.... we haven't seen any ill affects on Ka Iwi but, I wouldn't want to be around a bunch of people drinking all that..... then again she maybe tucked away and they are clueless she is there. We can only hope she stays safe. What we do know is Saturday nights seem to be the night for the party.
And theres the little girl.... snoozing, wonder if she had a long night.
Kermit and Irma together again!
Glad they are still hanging out together AND on the S.E. side
Benny - pipe dreams of his days with Irma
Benny where you going?
Really Benny? You men are all alike! Guess if your not having it, your reading it.
I had been taking photos of Benny, when he decided to move to Kermits Water hole. And in that hole was the PLAYBOY magazine. I thought, "WOW THATS FUNNY!"
Benny kept galumphing, in the hole and stopped just enough to seem he was reading the article which was about Sexual Products. Perfect BENNY!! I couldnt wait to send this photo in...how often does one see a Hawaiian Monk Seal...READING PLAYBOY. He. He.
Any news on Max? I hope the little guys is alright.
Sorry to say, we havent heard anything about our little guy, Max. I wish with my soul, he would show up on shore....but, he hasnt been seen since August 9th, 2011. We last saw him that day from early morning at Nimitz Beach at the cove. We found him that night around 7:15pm, still in the general area, and still just logging, floating on the surface. Fishermen told us, they watched him till after 8pm that same night.
Once again, if any one sees MAX R5EW, please let us know...immediately. We are concerned for him. Thanks for asking.
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